Thursday, August 11, 2011

I'm Indian* but...

*condition apply

So the Honourable Chief Minister of Mizoram, Mr. Lal Thanhawla wanted all Mizos to accept their Indian nationality, or lose their ration card...humph thank God I got no ration card!!! (

But, you know, dear Chief Minister, that sucks because even after living almost a decade in the National capital of India, I'm still not accepted as an Indian.  And as a matter of fact, I really don't care it either.  I'm tired of being an unaccepted and unacknowledged Indian national. By the way I've long given up complaining, whining and explaining the geography of India that almost 90% of Indian are guaranteed not to know, and in trying to cope with the plain and unabashed racism and discrimination I have faced because of that ignorance. My blog is a tastemant to that fact.

Anyway, what option do we really have? We want it or not, we are Indian, and we are the new untouchable Indian who have faced all sorts of discrimination in our so called country, which made us, people like me, a disgruntled lot.  May be you didn't know how it feels to be a part of a group that doesn't want you. Perhaps you may blame us for us not willing to be called Indian. Perhaps it's time that we arrange some sort of agreement as to what we should be called. May be, a different kind of Indian, perhaps yellow Indian? But no matter what,  no one, none who should, will acknowledge our claim. 

Anyway, tell me, dear Chief Minister, how can a peacock be a crow when its feather are glittering like gems or is it the other way round - that the crow is as black as a coal.  What difference does it make, a crow will never be a peacock, nor a peacock become a crow.  It simply doesn't add up.

Perhaps you can teach the Indian govt. what and how, you and your family did to make your young wife feel comfortable and at-home just after you got married, and she entered your family home for the first time.  It's too many decades late now to be treated as a new bride, but may be, just may be, it still can make some difference, if India, for once, treated us as it's own. 

After so many years, if some sections of the Mizos, and other tribal communities in the north-east doesn't feel at home in India, and are not comfortable with the 'Indian' tag, it's hardly their fault.  After all, their claim of being a free and sovereign people before being seceded into India is not a hoax or myth, and you know as well as me, for a fact!!! 

So, dear Chief Minister, what say you????

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