Wednesday, December 21, 2022

The Winter Calls Me Home

Sure as the season changes and winter sets

Like basic instinct kicks the birds to migrate, 

My instinct calls me to the mountains

To the cozy nest that my parents built

Linger I never, to heed that call

Sure as the winter calls, 

I'll surely be heading home

For within that little nest lays

All the love in the world for me

All the hopes and dreams -dead and alive

All the memories that weighted and lifted me

For I'm made whole by those yins and yangs

And sure as the season changes, 

I'll always have a place in that nest! 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Hope - Seed

Hidden beyond in the shadow

In the damp earth that lights neglect

Where the grimes of dead lives collect

Spring life from the dead dried seed

Thursday, June 02, 2022

An Eulogy for a Torn Jean

Your time has come

Dear old friend denim,

May we part in the light

That you're my absolute favourite!

Thank you for the snug fitting,

For you have been my second skin.

Like a yawn widely stretching,

Embracing a weight ever-changing.

Irony is that I tear you,

When I'd rather cling on to you

For I have so loved you!

Monday, January 17, 2022

Lamentation - An old friend

What do you do when you heard of the death of a childhood sweetheart that odds and time and space parted?

Do you blame yourself for not mending your friendship with a simple 'hello' or a quick phone call in the decade it takes to gradually die?

Do you wonder if they also occasionally snoop on your social media to check-up on you but never having the courage to reconnect?

Do you wonder if you still matter to them the same way they matter to you even though you haven't let them know?

Do you wonder if they know that you still love and care about them even though the kind of love may have changed?

Do you wonder if they know that despite everything, that you'll grief and mourn for them?

Because I do...against my wishes, I do!