Thursday, July 19, 2012

Connecting SMS, Blogging and Education

Most of us, if not addicted already, are pretty adept in text messaging (SMS).  There used to be days when I used-up the 200 sms per day limit set by the TRAI.  When writing sms, we often used abbreviation or shortened form of words which some people might think have murdered the language.

But as far as blogging is concerned, I have been doing it for sometime now, and have used it as a separate platform, totally different from SMS and treated it very formally.

Now as someone working in the field of education - I should be concerned about writing and spelling and not murdering the language. Am I really a practitioner of what I preach in my everyday life when it comes to spelling? We might say that writing (in any form) got nothing to do with language, but the truth is, without writing, we would not be able to read that language.

Eversince the day we did our session on education, we often argue about how insignificant spelling mistake are as long as we can understand them, but try telling that to some middle school students -if they do believe you, they might start telling you how different their teacher is, and that he will not allow such thing...

By the way, how do you feel when you notice some spelling mistake while reading an article from a respectable publisher? It bugs me, and I think everyone would feel the same way.  What I want to say is, we might said that spelling is not important part of our learning, but being able to construct, and being able to use the proper and appropriate spelling is also learning.

I know that english spelling is terrible, still I think it should be integral part of our education because spelling mistake can make a big differences in the world we live.

To illustrate the weirdness of English spelling, George Bernard Shaw once said we might as well spell the word "FISH" as "GHOTI" His reason being -

'GH' pronounced as 'F' in 'LAUGH'
'O' pronounced as 'I' in 'WOMEN'
'TI' pronounced as 'SH' in 'NATION'

so, FISH = GHOTI!!!

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