Monday, January 19, 2009

The Problem with Blogging

I hardly have anything to post these days as is quite evident. It’s not that there’s nothing to write about, or neither am I running out of inspiration as some people loved to say, nor not having the time. I have time to write and have stuffs I wanted to write about, but the only thing is, and to be very honest, that I am too lazy to begin with.

It is not that difficult to get something worth a post. Most of my post were written as a message in my mobile phone and saved as ‘draft’ until I got the time to put them in my computer, then I put those pieces of thought together.

But the problem is when you want that post to be of some substance. If I want to write about the inanities of my daily life, I could simply use it as a diary, but my blog definitely is not a diary. But again the brand new diary I gifted myself for New Year is still empty and stands testimony against any excuses that I may have.

There are times when I really am busy and got no time to write, say like last November, I posted a short story that I broke into two pieces. I have been sitting over that story for over two years until I ran out of any thing worth posting which forced me to hastily finish and post it.

The story was raw and unpolished, but I still think it manage to put forth the issue that I had in mind. I always wanted to write something about my family, especially my mother after we all left home, so it was loosely based on our life.

In a way I am glad that I am done with that story, and some part of me wished that something compel me to finish off the many other unfinished writings I have been sitting over for many years.

I have many notepad files containing small piece of thoughts. Some are full length article containing many paragraphs that have to be put together. Some have just the introductory part with/and/or the concluding part. But since I got enough to post for this time, it seems like I’m going to continue sitting over them.

See, it’s not that difficult….

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL, i fully understand, that's one reason why i quit blogging;-)

my advice is to put off the serious tone of you blog, so that you'll have enough to write like your everyday life. and believe me some people will still read it!!!