Friday, November 24, 2006

A Piece of Me

(An extract from my diary)
September 02, 2006
Entering into a new relationship is like entering a new home -the fresh smell of paint, the rough floor which you hope will soon be smoothen after a short while, the empty room and the dead silence which sorround it but you hoped to fill it up with the aroma of a freshly cooked rice, the tinkling ring of laughter, and the nervousness stemming from the knowledge that reality is always harsher than what you thought it to be. but the best thing is that the blindedness of belief in things to be always the same as it has been right now.

it is exciting, it is thrilling to know that there is some one who love you -love you in a different way unlike the people around you. the excitement bring along the nervousness about the future, how you will sustain the relationship, what would you talk about the next time u meet, what if he/she say what -that little something you always dreamed that your lover will to say to you, -you let your imagination run the show and your heart beat give the music and the thought itself make you tired which you must have complained bitterly if it was something else. ©lyan