Tuesday, May 18, 2010

One Hundred Years of...?

One hundred years of Christianity
One hundred years of Civilization
One hundred years of Modernity
One hundred years of Celebration
  • celebrating Christ in our life, each day and everyday
  • celebrating the love, peace and harmony it brought to us

The last line is a bit awkward, but there is no denying that we, the Zomi, have come a long way within just a century...

  • from jungle dweller to urban crawler
  • from head hunter to money hunter

There are hundreds of parameters to measure the speed of our transformation...and i guess, if we could measure in term of "kph", it must be faster than one of those F-1 cars, leaving trials of stories

  • of miraculous transformation and structural destruction
  • of churches, schools and rehab center
  • for good and for worst

One hundred years is a relatively short period for a community to complete its transition and long enough for the future to take its roots. Are we satisfied with what we have seen so far, and what are the hits and misses?

If we could put away our differences to celebrate this occasion, we could also come together for our future's sake. It's time to reflect, analyse and assess our situation.

May God bless you all!

Centenary Greeting!

tags: zo, zomi, zogam, lamka